Model and Lifestyle Blogger Marcel Floruss

Click around on the internet as long as I have looking for photos of men shaving and you end up seeing the same faces again and again. I’m not complaining because it’s amazing how much there is out there, but even within that bounty, there is repetition.

So it came as a pleasant surprise to stumble across a post from a fashion blog called One Dapper Street: “Who Do We Honor on Father’s Day?” The photography is gorgeous, the male model shaving is gorgeous, and there was something so fresh and interesting about his look. Usually one handsome face reminds me of another, but not in this case. Marcel Floruss, the model appearing in this pictorial, caught my increasingly jaded eye, and happening upon this blog post felt like a major discovery.

I dug a little deeper and discovered that Marcel, the model in the photos, isn’t just a model. He’s also the style expert and blog writer as well as the creator of several other content channels. I combed through his Instagram account and found several more examples of this beautiful man shaving, which I refer to below.

In the end, I’m hard pressed to articulate exactly why I think he’s so strikingly handsome. There are many male models out there who are breathtaking, but they also tend to be kind of generic looking. Put many of them in a police lineup, and I probably couldn’t distinguish one from the other. But not Marcel Floruss. He stands out somehow.

Is it because of the general shape of his head which is not as square and angular as most models? Or is it his mouth, which seems almost feminine in its sensual shape and proportions? His lips are certainly one of his standout features, particularly when they are outlined in shaving foam!

One last note: How have I never seen him before? His Instagram posts go back 10 years and several are even tagged “#Gillette,” which is a hashtag I search on all the time. Yet none of his shaving posts are bookmarked in my account, which confirms I haven’t seen them before. Instagram even indicates that one of my friends follows him, so it’s not like he’s social media’s best-kept secret or anything.


But it’s also nice to know that there is always more to discover out there.

BTW, I’ve scrolled through his YouTube videos looking for any shaving-related posts, but I didn’t find anything. Let me know if you see one I’ve overlooked!

2 thoughts on “Model and Lifestyle Blogger Marcel Floruss

  1. Thanks for sharing Marcel! He’s definitely a nice looking guy, including when shaving. His YouTube videos have some skincare in the mirror but no shaving unfortunately. * sigh *

    1. Thank you for confirming I didn’t miss anything on his YouTube channel! If he does upload a shaving video, I’ll be sure to post an update!

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